澳门百老汇网站网址 is a non-profit corporation supported by members of the wind energy industry, including project developers and owners, turbine manufacturers, support contractors and others. 澳门百老汇网站网址 represents its members in California's policy forums, seeking to encourage and support the production of electricity through the use of wind generators.


News from 澳门百老汇网站网址

SFPUC Commits to Largest Wind Development in CleanPowerSF History


Scout Clean Energy’s Gonzaga Ridge in Merced County will provide nearly 150 megawatts of clean wind energy to 385,000 CleanPowerSF customers

澳门百老汇网站网址 in the Media from Politico

California's newest wind farm is old enough to order at the bar

A FLIGHTY WIND: The developers of a new wind farm in the Santa Barbara County hills did something a lot of people thought was impossible, a local official said today: They finished an industrial-scale renewable project on California’s pristine and heavily regulated coast.

“Projects like this are really important as a counterfactual to change that narrative, to show that it’s possible to permit and operate in coastal counties,” county supervisor and former Assemblymember Das Williams said at a press conference today.

News from USA Today

Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being built

Across America’s power grid, there’s a growing gap between what we need and what we’ll allow.

News from NewsData LLC - Cal. Energy Markets

Tribe, Wind Developer Plan 60-MW Offshore Wind Farm Near Vandenberg

Floventis Energy and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians on Nov. 8 signed a community benefits agreement for a floating wind farm that is expected to be operational years before deployment of California's larger-scale wind projects in the Morro Bay and Humboldt federal lease areas.

澳门百老汇网站网址 in the Media from NewsData LLC

Reform of Arcane CAISO Policies Could Deliver Huge Ratepayer Benefits

A recent state auditor's report noted that California has the seventh-highest average electricity rates in the nation, with substantial jumps in just the past year.

Fast Facts

Wind energy supplies 11% of California’s electricity, with wind projects located as far north as Shasta County and as far south as Imperial County, as well as from beyond California’s borders. See more Fast Facts!

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